Tuesday 15 February 2011


3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

When showing our class at our first critique screening we ended up having some really good feedback, some being positive and negative but overall giving our group feedback to take away and give thought to improve the video. We also beforehand explained how it was not finished but this was taken into consideration. When getting feedback from our friends all has been very positive for our group to, but we also have put the video on youtube and a link on Facebook for people to watch. Facebook has given us a lot of good positive feedback with lots liking the video but not as many comments. From the screening we gained ideas about altering the ending to complete our narrative structure, and also careful consideration on certain shots that should and shouldn't be in the video, another idea the group thought about was maybe next time choosing a better actress to play the role of the main character, as some people thought the actress was not effective.

From our overall opinion on our feedback, there was a lot of positive feedback, one teacher mentioning how professional it looked, therefore we was very happy with the feedback and took the ideas of the people forward when finishing the whole video.

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